
Support your processes and obligations

AML obliged industries are vulnerable to be misused by criminals to launder illicit money. Though they play a crucial role in anti-money laundering frameworks. We tailored our services for different industries to support them in implementing the AML processes and to fulfill AML obligations.

Financial institutions have an undeniable role in maintaining both global and local financial stability. They serve as frontline defenders in combating crime, particularly money laundering, thus they are subject to numerous AML laws and regulations. We offer a wide range of services to role players in the sector, including banks, credit institutions, insurers and wealth management companies.

Our services for financial institutions include:

  • Enterprise-wide Risk Assessment
  • Customer Risk Rating Model Development
  • AML Processes Enhancement
  • Solution Implementation
  • AML Audit
  • Employee Training
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • SAR Investigation and filing

Payment Service providers are now an integral part of financial ecosystem. Through fast fund transfer among individuals and businesses, they have made substantial changes in business models. Given the inherent risk of their operations being exploited for illicit activities, these providers are mandated to implement robust safeguards in line with AML regulations.

Our services for PSPs include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Sanction Screening solution Implementation
  • Instruction on Transparency Register for UBO identification
  • Instruction on Go AML for filing SARs
  • Employee training
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • SAR Investigation

Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) or as stated in EBA guideline Crypto Asset Service providers (CASPs) are significantly taking over the fund transfer market. VASPs are also AML obliged which mandates them to implement robust measures for preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities within the realm of virtual asset transactions.

Our services for VASPs include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • Sanction Screening
    • SAR Investigation and filing

Legal firms, notaries, legal advisors under certain circumstances, tax advisors and auditors are obliged to follow AML/CFT regulations. They have to ensure that their operations and services are not abused for facilitating criminal activities and ML/TF. 

Our services for this category of OEs include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • Sanction Screening
    • SAR Investigation and filing

Real Estate always draws the attention of criminals seeking to exploit it for money laundering. To mitigate this risk, authorities have required the sector to take AML preventive and detective measures and ensure risks are adequately addressed.

Our services for Real Estate firms include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • Sanction Screening
    • SAR Investigation and filing

The gaming sector is characterized by its cash-intensive nature, rapid growth, and susceptibility to exploitation by criminal elements. the competitive landscape of the gaming sector, driven by technological advancements and evolving consumer preferences, further complicates efforts to combat money laundering. 

Our services for gaming industry include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • Sanction Screening
    • SAR Investigation and filing

As financial institutions have tightened their AML/CFT procedures and become more challenging targets, money launderers are shifting their focus to DNFBPs including dealers in high-value products. The vulnerability of dealers to ML depends largely on the effectiveness of AML/CFT procedures implemented within the organization.

Our services for traders in high value goods include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Implementing and maintaining efficient AML policies and procedures
  • Operational support for
    • Customer Due Diligence
    • Sanction Screening
    • SAR Investigation and filing