Our Story

Be Compliant • Stay Compliant

Our Vision

At WIACON, we envision a future where companies grow in a landscape of integrity and compliance, empowered by a seamless, digital integration of compliance solutions, the necessary data and extensive expertise. We aim to be a trusted partner that guides organizations through the complexities of regulatory compliance, helping them achieve sustainable growth and success.

Global Challenges

Regulatory authorities around the world are tightening their controls to ensure the stability and integrity of the economic and financial system. Compliance requirements are becoming increasingly stringent and cover a wide range of areas such as anti-money laundering (AML), customer due diligence (KYC), countering the financing of terrorism (CFT) and various environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements. Meeting these regulatory requirements requires a deep understanding of evolving regulations, proactive risk management strategies, robust compliance frameworks and clean implementations in business operations. Failure to comply with regulations can have serious consequences, ranging from large fines and reputational damage to legal sanctions and loss of market confidence.

Almost all sectors of the economy are undergoing a transformation driven by rapid digitalization and technological innovation. This is forcing financial institutions and all other businesses to push digital transformation in order to remain relevant and competitive. From online banking and mobile payments to blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, the digital revolution is changing the way financial services are delivered, consumed and regulated. While digitalization offers many opportunities to increase efficiency, reduce costs and improve customer experience, it also presents huge challenges. Threats from cyber-attacks, strict data protection requirements and regulatory compliance cannot be overlooked in the digital age. To succeed in this fast-paced digital landscape, financial institutions must not only embrace new technologies, but also ensure robust cybersecurity measures, data governance frameworks and compliance with evolving regulatory standards.

In light of increasing regulatory requirements and digital changes, the demand for qualified specialists in the financial sector has never been higher. Experienced financial crime prevention specialists, compliance officers, data analysts, cyber security experts and technology specialists are particularly in demand. However, the supply of such talent is limited, leading to intense competition between financial institutions. In addition, demographic change, technological advances and changing skill requirements are further exacerbating the talent shortage. In this highly competitive environment, companies can also count on strong external partners to bridge staff shortages or a lack of expertise. Ultimately, success in the financial sector depends not only on technological capabilities and regulatory compliance, but especially on human capital.

Our Mission

With WIACON, you gain a partner who knows the challenges of regulatory compliance and the needs in a dynamic market. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we bridge any gaps between compliance, legal departments, keep top management informed and manage internal and external IT teams, ensuring smooth collaboration and integration of services. We don‘t support siloed approaches, we offer comprehensive advisory services that combine compliance expertise, legal advice, strategic advice and IT implementation. We enable your business in complying with regulations, optimising processes and driving growth. Your path to more success will be based on ‘being compliant and staying compliant’.

Our Position

WIACON is a consulting company that provides organizations and individuals with specialized services to enhance compliance, governance, risk management and knowledge management. Anti-Financial Crime and Environmental, Social and Governance are our core areas of expertise. We offer a broad range of services catering to a full spectrum of requirements in setting up AFC function. Whether it involves crafting policies, implementing cutting-edge technologies, conducting risk assessments, or establishing robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms, our offerings cover it all. We work together with our clients to create a customized strategy for ESG compliance. ESG, to us, is more than just a management system; it embodies our commitment to a greener, more social and accountable corporate culture. This vision drives us to create solutions that align with client's needs, ensuring that their commitment to sustainability endures long term. At WIACON, we understand the ever-evolving landscape of business and regulatory requirements, we interconnect knowledge, experience and clients’ needs to ensure that our partners are well-prepared to meet their objectives, we are an extension of our clients´ teams.

Our team

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