ESG Compliance

ESG conformity

strategies towards lived sustainability

In a world increasingly shaped by environmental challenges, social inequalities, and governance concerns, our consultancy service offers tailored solutions to help organizations align with ESG principles and drive positive impact. From assessing current ESG practices to developing robust strategies and implementation plans, our team of experts provides invaluable guidance every step of the way.




Each business can contribute to reduce its ecological footprint. By interlocking energy management and facility management, we can increase the energy efficiency of buildings, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Raising awareness for ecologically sustainable products, services and marketing strategies – while acting in accordance – supports the fight against climate change.




Fair working conditions as well as the respect of human rights and dignity are cornerstones of a corporation’s core values. They are reinforced by health and security standards, systematic education and training and new work concepts. Further socially relevant aspects include the enforcement of sustainability standards for any supplier or subcontractor.




Ethically responsible behaviour excludes any business relationship with partners of dubious business practices. From an internal point of view ESG compliant businesses rely on fair compensation for all employees, equal opportunities and diversity. Customer expectations, with regard to openness and transparency, concerning ethical business actions and behaviour have a regulatory effect on the market.

Elucidation & Analysis

We help you to classify your businesses’ current situation. In doing so, we clarify, your expectations and goals, point out the legal parameters and external requirements and compare your current situation to the required target image of the existing of ESG criteria.


Together, we structure your processes and define criteria, that assist you, in choosing the tools that suit you the most. In this context, future capacity and resource planning as well as a distinct definition of responsibilities are also handled here. To achieve and to measure success, it is imperative to embed an ESG/ CSR strategy into the company culture and to also set up a suitable reporting system.


Both, closing identified gaps and striving for ESG excellence call for the development of a holistic ESG strategy involving all necessary stakeholders. ESG/ CSR requires an integral, ongoing engagement within your company. Defining distinct implementation phases can lead to legal certainty (compliance) but also to a deliberate positioning within the respective competitive environment.

Management & Monitoring

To meet your stakeholders’ expectations when it comes to transparency, we will work with you in close collaboration to develop an efficient monitoring system, that allows individualized reporting to various interest groups. Furthermore, we will support you in defining monitoring processes, awareness-raising measures for your employees and, if needed, we will give specific recommendations for purposeful improvement and redesign.